Redeemed 25 tokens. select the character that you want to use and then you have your tokens back. 1. Followers 0. " - danishjuggler21. And there are few new fun guns. Borderlands 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. I was getting destroyed much easier than usual as I main a Salvador and well we all know how easy he is to play. They are not named foes and should not be confused with bosses. 166 Badass ranks every 20 minutes is nearly nothing and that is an easy way to burn yourself out for a few stats that dont matter much in the end seeing as you need upwards of 600k+ to reach a good percentage in your stats. What happens is when you turn on your game it doesn't say continue like it usually would, it appears that you have no files. Feb 8, 2014. DOMIN8 Aug 23, 2013 ; 2 3 4. Best. Thats like 200 ranks per hour, the fastest way to grind badass ranks I know so far. If that's what you want, then yeah, you're going to have to go somewhere where there are mods available. Head to Settings Storage Delete the profile save for BL2. ago. share. Sisteelin. ★★Please Rate The Vid★★ ★★Watch in HD★★★Follow me on Twitter!:my Facebook Page!:. Load yours so that you're at the main menu. There is no point in resetting them. My understanding is that the files are the same, so if you copy your existing Profile. mv000 Sep 2, 2013 @ 12:15am. And at the end of this bar is what seems like a. . 4 or 0. Replies 76 Views 18K. Thanks i have a profile save ps3 that is all 100 percent stats ba rank is 2250 with 135 keys i would use for actual play. 96. #3. 2. Post and discuss anything related to Borderlands 2. Due to the way Borderlands generates weapons its almost impossible to get the exact. You can use the Borderlands 2 Profile Editor, where it edits your profile. dll from the WinRAR (both must be in the same folder) Run the . I've used Border tool a lot, but it lacks profile. 03 June 2020, 9:58AM. Last edited by WickedRequiem; Dec 27, 2016 @ 3:03pm #1. Holding out on playing to see if gearbox has a fix. Our Borderlands 2 message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats. Spending badass tokens. and i don't have that profile file to edit it that is suggested on other threads like this one. answered Nov 12, 2013 at 6:36. Zen_Disaster Dec 9, 2016 @ 10:52pm. On multiplayer AND singleplayer. Yea that's the ps4 glitch of farming badass rank, i too always get it everytime i fight a boss in the UVHM, till now i got 500k badass rank cause of this glitch and then there is a glitch to double your tokens, but on xbox one, that glitch to get badass rank doesn't work and the glitch to double your tokens also doesn't work. Related Topics Borderlands 2 First-person shooter Shooter game GamingModified profile behavior to better protect Badass Rank and related data. 5- Right click and replace, and click on the 5454087C. What do I do? This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The Borderlands 2 Reddit. 5 the last 30 points i only put into shield capacity and max health but it didnt workBadass rank and golden keys deleted? [Discussion] I'm playing zero in ultimate vault hunter and i recently made a new character to start a challenge, but now i lost all 25 of my golden keys and only have 1 and my badass rank challenges. Badass ranks are only important in challenge runs lol because they are banned in that case (for the purpose of making it equal for all) 3. I just achieved 72 OP8 using level 50 guns before even starting the main story on UVHM. When you have completed 85% of the non-map, non-DLC challenges the game will offer you the option to reset the challenges. Created Aug 6. DrSgtPepper1 • 5 yr. So apparently there is a bug/glitch that is screwing up a lot of peoples files. If you get 5000 badass ranks with your siren and 5000 badass ranks with your commando and 2000 badass ranks with your assassin, you'll have 12000 badass ranks in total. as in NOTHING can ever kill you like if you stand still with 10 raid bosses attacking you your still unable to die badass rank ONLY obviously for health shields and shield recharge rate/delay. Expected Badass Tokens = (Current Badass Rank) 5 / 9. Posted by 10 months ago. WATCH IT. Any issues or problems Contact me by posting a comment or sending me a direct message. Also having them unbalanced can actually break the game and cause loading errors iirc. This is a reference topic I'm creating to list the most important skills to invest Badass tokens into, for those who are not sure what to invest in. I know about removing your profile. A. The game was released on September 18, 2012 in the United States, September 20, 2012 in the Australasia region and September 21, 2012 internationally. In addition, over 40000 tokens can be assigned. what is badass rank. bin file you should be able to open it and edit it. A (white) gun would be average, (green) would be slightly above average, (blue) would be a premium gun, a (purple) would be a high tier / strong gun, and (orange) guns are second only to pearlescent (Borderlands) or Seraph (Borderlands 2) or Top. There's a native Mac application called BorderTool 2 that edits both save files and profile. Also worth noting I'm not the developer, in case that's what you meant. Have player one trade $3 million to player two. But if the scan indicates that none of your characters should have a Badass Rank greater than the current. #2. 1 billion badass rank I believe haha. bin in the Mac save folder. Thank you for help though as I did manage to make it work. I remember distinctly a mod saying there was no problem discussing BL3 in a BL2 forum as long as the main conversation of the topic involved BL. Published Dec 14, 2012. Give your friend/splitscreen $5M, and drop 9 orange items on the ground. I went back through all 4 of my characters which all were around level 20 and all had really nice bonus stats and now all of them are back to rank 1 with 1 badass token and no bonus stats!!!!!!I'd say delete all you data from borderlands 2 off of the hard drive, aside from the DLC maybe. ghazalo L. The BA rank will go up so fast it's insane. Custom made Borderlands themed VLADOF headset stand, made of metal with lit emblems and manufacturer name. Pretty sure it maxes out at around. Your badass rank does carryover, though. You get to keep all the BAR you have earned so far, and then start on the challenges all over again, earning even more BAR. Gearbox finally patches Borderlands 2’s Badass Rank bug. CT file in order to open it. You will get an extra 167 Badass points added to your profile. I lost all my badass rank that I had when I used to play on Xbox for years, so I supposed if I added that on my actual value would be higher, but I don't care, the PC experience is significantly better. Using the BL2 Profile Editor to open the profile. CryoClaw • 4 yr. ALL THE THUMBS DOWN. The Goliath is an enemy type in Borderlands 2. I even have bought the costume pack skins and are active on this profiles save but they wont appear if you haven't bought the costume pack yourself. What's going on guys? This is VinylicPuma, back with another Borderlands 3 video and today, I figured I could go over the new Guardian System in Depth. Yes, they do matter. Create a new character, and start a game with both characters. crit hit damage boosts are a multiple of your base. 100% Upvoted. I just achieved 72 OP8 using level 50 guns before even starting the main story on UVHM. Use calc to get token spent values to mod % Optional - Modding Rank: After you get the values for the tokens right click the selected address and look 4 bytes to the left of the tokens and you will find the rank. ago. ) Then multiply by the damage and divide by 60 to get damage per second. Mar 17, 2023. boc196562. You do NOT silently aquire more tokens after completing a. 40. I loaded up borderlands 2 on Xbox one and got a message saying it couldn’t connect to shift servers and now all of it is gone. I farmed hyperius on op10, and everytime i killed him, i got all 5 lvls of the slag licked challenge, cause you always get skins for the challenge, i have now over 200 of the same skin in my inventory, and i throw them out every few daysFind and post the latest Borderlands 2 modding to help you on your modding journey. bin so you have the ability to add/deduct badass ranks, badass tokens, golden keys and also edit every badass stat to your liking. level 1 · 9 yr. So, I just got a new computer, and one of hte first things I downloaded was Borderlands 2. 361. Check the location of it below. Eligible challenges that count toward the 485. 361. r/borderlands3. Hi, I've been playing borderlands 2 for some time. but then you wouldn't get to use it AT ALL. ago. Lost bonus stats and Badass ranks. This is making such good. . there is no real badass rank in BL1. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. there is a disable BAR button o_O. ". Points. Jan 5, 2017. 20 Golden Keys 429 Million Badass Rank +546% Stats. To this end, "cheater" can be a misleading term to use because there's no agreement on what cheater means to all in. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Hmm yeah, I got a skillpoint for beating 3 challenges, but it was a mission reward. Favorite. The higher you. If you like playing multiple characters, then the skies kind of the limit. Vault Hunters. So I'm just wondering how come, on a brand new save, on a brand new game, started me out with a crapload of tokens. Do this 750 times and it'll grant you with 166 badass ranks. well if it works like BL1 at all. To start this DLC, go to any fast travel station on any map and travel to a place called. lost five o Feb 8, 2014 ; Game Modding Support; Replies 6 Views 2K. Steps down below. r/Borderlands2. So the program would do ( Overflow int ) x max value + normal integer. How to change your Badass Challenges and Stats for Borderlands 2Borderlands 2 badass rank mod gibbed codes Apr 23, · Borderlands 2 Save Editor – Weapon codes [2] By Ostin and 1 collaborators. 000+. If you have Silence The Voices as Kreig, you may hit yourself, but it will not deal damage. Just drop 15 oranges down for the level 1 to pick up, trade 3 million dollars, etc. "Extract the . bin" file. This includes the challenges of all DLCs so far (Captain Scarlett and Her. 1 / 11. That includes adjusting (or comepletely reseting) Badass Ranks. Then load borderlands 2 up once and close out then load it up again. Go into your save game folder and find the file profile. Badass Rank to it's max limit, every skin is there including all DLCs one and vehicles ones. 4) Shield Capacity. Exit the game, and then create a new character. Badass Rank is a reward system in Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. 0. bin file. Reputation Power: 191. On release we awarded the game a shining 9. Add a comment. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process. what is badass rank,what is badass rank for ? You gain badass ranks for completing challenges, such as killing 100 nomads. I know how badass ranks work and that they apply to every character-1. I have 66,781 badass rank on my xbox360 version of borderlands 2 and switched to PC now I have 5621, I know there is a way to boost my badass rank so I'm looking for help. These challenges can be completed in various. It's not modding believe it or not, just simple glitching over and over and over again. Edit: Tried it, works fine with replacing my old profile. 429496729 is the absolute limit to Badass Rank, and obtaining any more rank after this point, will cause it to. I have three level 50s, a 39, and a 17. I bought a ps3 so i could cross save a bl2 account with modded badass rank to the ps4. Reaction score. All Borderlands games use a ranking system for gear that follows the standard color-coding system for RPGs. The ranks are made to be infinite so this can happen eventually and it would be 100% natural. So if i play borderlands 2 xbox 360 version on my xbox one, can i still mod the game save or would i have to play it on the 360 to do so. Basically, you get unlimited bags tokens if you have the patience. bin and do not let steam cloud redown load it. report. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Vault Hunters. With the mechro, I loooove death trap, so I spend points on. Favorited. I really have no idea, but my bonus stats ranged between 10. Losing 27% shield recharge rate, shield delay, 25% fire rate, 25% gun. The 2K Publisher sale page features the main games in the series and some select DLC (including the Borderlands 2 Season Pass), but it is missing Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. Expected Badass Rank = floor (ceil (Expected Badass Tokens) 9 / 5) Ranks Needed = Expected Badass Rank - Current Badass Rank. g Critical Hit Damage +7. Post and discuss anything related to Borderlands 2. Created Aug 6, 2011. Borderlands 2 First-person shooter Shooter. Even if it’s a small boost I find that having it on makes the game much easier, and even more so the more badass ranks you get. Thank you! I found it on nexus mods. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. After a patch of Borderlands 2, challenges can be reset after 85% of General Challenges have been completed. Join. I'm at like +249% on all the stats right now. Just do challenges. This is a quick overview of what will be an in depth video guide to farming Badass Rank (BAR) and Prestiging in Borderlands 2. Shenmue Apr 8, 2019 ; Replies 18 Views 11K. In the borderlands. As others have mentioned, there are a few good reasons to disable the Badass ranks: Single-Player: While the stat. Use this to earn badass rank even faster. The Badass rank and % if you have higher than 150M it won't effect the rank only the % Last edited: Dec 15,. Some might consider it 'non-legit' as I'm running the BL2Fix mod, but I gotta say, I'm still kinda proud of myself :D.